There’s a lot of talk on social media about ‘manifesting’ and ‘abundance mindsets’, some of it coming from a poorly disguised yearning for material success and wealth. Yet an abundance mindset is one of ‘have’ not ‘lack’, so people who are trying to manifest wealth have an uphill battle on their hands because the very act of ‘trying’ suggests a mindset of lack.
Really what being in the flow of abundance means is unconditional giving and receiving. When we can to do both with ease, we are able to manage the natural energy flow of life with consummate skill. Nature is always the best teacher. Does the moon say to the Earth ‘you owe me’? Does the Earth say to the sun ‘can I have more?’
Yet, this is exactly the kind of scarcity consciousness we bring to so many situations in life. We have all these hang-ups about wealth that stop us from being in the flow of abundance. In the West, despite all our material needs being more than adequately met, many of us are always wanting more – in fact we are bombarded by advertising that actively encourages us to conspicuously consume, and this constant feeling of want blocks us from the vibration of prosperity.
Some people earn vast amounts but are scared they will lose their wealth, so they are also in the energy of lack because they fear scarcity in their future. When we are in the energy of lack we become little Gollum’s hoarding our treasure, falling out of the flow of abundance because we are no longer willing to give unconditionally. As we stop giving, we stop receiving; we make lack our reality.
Others of us are too afraid to ask for what we are truly worth, because it might seem like too much. This reflects our own self-doubt (“do I really deserve that much?”). Or we worry that it might take away from others (“if I get richer, doesn’t that mean that others will get poorer?”). This is simply scarcity consciousness once removed, because we still fear lack in the world.
We block ourselves to receiving unconditionally with such limiting thoughts. We do not understand that recycling is not just what we do with garbage, it is the natural energy exchange of the universe. The apple tree does not keep score of how much fruit she produces or how many are taken, because she knows that what she gives, she gets back. Everything eventually gets recycled back into the earth to nourish her roots. And she knows that her roots are so entangled with those of all the other trees that she can take what she needs without causing others to starve. In feeding herself, she feeds all others.
There is also a ‘suffering to serve’ consciousness that gets in the way of abundance. Some of us - particularly women - feel the need to give, give, give all the time, even when we don’t actually want to, because we feel guilty about saying no. This kind of servitude creates victimhood and passive aggression, which serves no one. And as we give, give, give, we encourage the recipient to take, take, take, which has karmic repercussions for them.
Unconditional giving does not mean giving until you are an inch away from your life. Nature does not do that. Nature welcomes the winter as much as the spring, for it is a time for her to rest and replenish her stocks. Then she can give abundantly again when the days get warmer. We need to release ourselves from suffering to serve consciousness. It does no one any good. Rest and self-nurture is just as important a part of the process as the giving itself. During this time we are still giving, we are just giving to ourselves.
We also get caught up in the idea that our earnings somehow reflect our worth. Yet money is just one of the many streams of abundance that the universe sends our way to show us how much we are loved and adored. There are so many manifestations, it’s just that we often don’t notice them. We look our gift horses straight in the mouth.
If we replace the word ‘earnings’ with ‘blessings’, this changes everything. It transforms our whole outlook on life. Suddenly we realise that we are always earning because we are always being blessed. In fact, we are positively showered with blessings from the moment we are born to the day we die. The warm sun on our face, the cool wind on our skin, the salty scent of the sea. The laughter of a child, the radiant smile of a loved one, music that sings to our heart. The list goes on and on.
Each cycle and season, every hour of the day and night the universe comes bearing gifts, laying them graciously at our feet for us to delight in. But so often we step right over them, unaware of the gems right in front of us because they are not part of our ‘income stream’. We are the richest people on earth, disguising ourselves as paupers and begging in the streets.
Scarcity consciousness is so prevalent in the world that we keep on forgetting the old adage that the best things in life are free. We know that material possessions don’t guarantee happiness, but we haven’t fully internalised the fact that the more materially attached we are, the more disempowered we become as we grow ever more reliant on external things for our wellbeing.
We all know in our hearts that outer success does not reflect inner success. True wealth is our health, our self-worth, our sense of empowerment, our liberty, our family and friends. It is the wisdom we’ve gained through experience, and the contentment that comes from being astoundingly grateful for life’s gifts.
Ultimately this means that our consciousness is the source of our wealth. It comes from constantly being in the energy of have and knowing that the universe always provides us with what we need in the moment, no matter what. When we get to this level of trust, there is no need to constantly strive for more. When humanity is able to release itself from scarcity consciousness, Gaia will breathe a huge sigh of relief, as we stop grasping and realise that there is more than enough to go around. Treading lightly on the Earth will happen instinctively then, as we take only what we require, respecting Gaia’s cyclical need to replenish.
When we open ourselves up to the innumerable ways that nature gives to us, we automatically align ourselves with the flow of abundance. When we understand that scarcity comes from a lack of alignment within ourselves, we can scatter it to the wind simply by saying, ‘Knowing that wealth is a state of mind, I give with all my heart and gratefully receive any blessings that come my way, in whatever form they may take’.
There are two keys to the treasure held within this. The first is gratitude, for it is the medicine that heals body, mind and soul. It opens our heart to magic and miracles, and attracts more things for us to be grateful for. The second is surrender. Surrender expectation to master manifestation. Receiving unconditionally means having no expectations about what form our blessings may take.
It may be money, it may be payment in kind. It may be the joy of seeing the positive results of our influence blossom in other people. It may be a renewed appreciation of nature and all the things that make our heart sing. It may come simply from being open to the treasures held within each moment, the value of rich life experiences. This is how we become truly wealthy. When we become aware of the gems hidden in plain sight, we align ourselves with limitless abundance which takes the form of a sideways figure of 8, the infinity symbol, forever flowing, forever giving and receiving. With this figure of 8, we become spiritual billionaires.