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Celebrating Earth Day

 Happy Earth day everyone! Today's blog is dedicated to Gaia, or as she is known in Sanskrit, ‘Bhumi’. 


In Vedic texts, the Earth is not just a rock circling the sun but a sacred being worthy of the greatest reverence and respect. She is a deity, the great Goddess Bhumi, worshipped for her love, abundance, sustenance and nurture. We are all part of her wonder - we are cells of the Goddess. That means we are also love, abundance, sustenance and nurture. It’s just that we’ve forgotten. 


We are not just on the Earth, we are the Earth. We are living embodiments of this incredible blue planet of ours. Bhumi/Gaia is all heart - in ancient times she was seen as an aspect of the heart chakra of the universe. The testimony of her love is that she allows a part of herself (us humans) to forget who we are for a moment and instead experience this illusion of duality, perceiving ourselves to be individuated beings separate from each other, separate from nature, separate from the cosmos.  


This causes us to act in ignorance, plundering the planet, defiling Gaia’s dignity, hurting her, and of course hurting ourselves in the process. I think we can all agree that what we’ve done to nature is abominable, and our unsustainable way of life needs to change right now before there is mass destruction on a scale not seen since the days of the dinosaurs. Let’s go into action, but let’s ensure we don’t also go into a place of shame and blame, for that will only cause more pain. 


The ancients knew that underneath it all there is a hidden harmony to the chaos. They knew that the veil of forgetting is thickest on Earth, far thicker than anywhere else in the cosmos. This makes humans forget their own divinity. They also understood that it is divinely designed to be just so, for Earth is the one place where the Universe gets to experience a bit of amnesia for a while before having the delight of rediscovering itself all over again.   


From a soul perspective, having a human life offers one of the greatest opportunities to evolve, because in the darkness we make so many mistakes. It’s like having ten or even a hundred lives in other parts of the universe where the veil is much thinner, where there is more harmony and less conflict, but also less chances to learn. That’s what makes a human life so incredibly precious. That’s why souls queue up to have a life on Gaia – it is the rarest and greatest of honours.  


When we incarnate, it actually takes great courage because we know we are going to forget who we are and plunge ourselves into ignorance. We are on a hero’s journey of enlightenment - the road can be gruelling, the weather inclement, our maps can read like gobbledygook. This is why Earth is considered the most difficult school in the universe - it’s like taking a PhD in the hardest subject; only the bravest souls dare. 


It makes sense that Mother Earth is part the heart chakra of the universe, because who else would be so loving and generous as to graciously host the collective amnesia of a species that causes so much havoc on her heavenly body, as the evolution of consciousness plays out? 


This is our mission; to remember our sacred nature and the sanctity of life. To shine a light in the dark and bring awareness where there is ignorance. To heal our wounds, learn from our mistakes and stop all the judging and name calling. When Gaia asks for planetary healing, this is what she is urging us to do. To find self-love, self-worth, peace within our core. Alignment, unity, our connection with it all. For as we love and nurture ourselves, so we love and nurture the world. 


When we open our hearts, we automatically raise our consciousness, which raises the collective consciousness of humanity. A rising tide lifts all ships. The ripple effect is real. Our own heart-felt enlightenment is by far the greatest gift we can give Gaia. Gandhi had it right, we just need to be the change we want to see in the world. 


So, this Earth day let us remember that we are divine beings living in a divine reality on a sacred planet who is the beating heart of the Universe, and we have the capacity to love beyond our wildest imaginings. Let us be as heartfelt as possible this day, go out in nature, meditate, contemplate and consider how we might make our lives a little more nurturing, sustainable and regenerative. This brings us into alignment with our higher self, the great Goddess Gaia (or Bhumi), who loves us more than we could possibly know, and is patiently waiting for us to remember. 

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