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Speak your truth

Speak your truth. Sing your song. Tell the world your story. Reveal your wounds, and how you are healing them, so others can be inspired  to heal theirs. Write your hero’s journey. Take courage and bare your soul, for this is how you find your strength in vulnerability.

Cherish your mistakes, for this is how you learn. Cast aside victim consciousness and be at cause, for this is how you empower yourself. Understand why you attracted troubling people and experiences into your life, what lessons were learned, what value they had. Realise that your higher self has created these triggers for your soul evolution. They are turning points in your life, the springboards of your spiritual growth. They are blessings in disguise. See how they played their part in bringing about the happy ending you are writing for yourself right now.  Find it in your heart to forgive others and dissolve the karmic chains that bind you to them.

Think deeply about why certain things trigger you still. What aspect of your shadow is this revealing, what parts of yourself still need healing? Love yourself, all of you, especially the bits that make your face burn with shame. They are the parts that are crying out to be brought into the light to be integrated, so you can feel whole again. Cherish your shadow, make it feel loved. Shine a candle in every dark recess of your story. Be a beacon of light for yourself. Leave blame at the door and shower yourself with compassion, like you would a child whose been told she is naughty just because she falls over. Cradle your inner child and tell her that she is adored. 

Know that you are a true spiritual warrior, a brave being incarnated here on Earth to bring more love into the world. You are the universe in the guise of a human, here to shine your light.  By speaking your truth and sharing your story, you show others a way out of the darkness and lift them all up. Let the world sit in silent rapture, with love in our hearts and tears in our eyes as we relate so poignantly to your human experience. Keep on shining your light, so that we feel inspired to shine ours.

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